
Lucas Benarroch aka MRKA (b. Madrid 1989) has spent the last 10 years in New York City where he has worked on numerous exhibitions as well as commercial projects for clients such as NASA and NIKE and artists such as Wu-Tang Clan.

For Lucas Benarroch each exhibition is a new idea that focuses on the environment he lives in through new explorations. His first exhibition and documentary, made in New York in 2014, was called ‘83M80’ and explored letterpress in the digital era. It was acquired by Harvard University in 2019. Benarroch second solo exhibition ‘Utility Writers’ was a tribute to New York and focused on the signs and symbols spray-painted by construction workers on the ground of the city. The oxymoron ‘Utility Writers’ fascinated him and became his first rug design, bringing those symbols back to the ground.


  • ESNE Talk, Saturday 9pm (Madrid)

